The mind is a setting. It is a place to be within, like your mother’s living room, familiar, comfortable, filled with couches to slouch in, spread onto.
The mind is a setting in a place that no one else can get to. Not really. It’s the most private place you have. It’s so secret that sharing the mind, opening it to someone else, letting them try to understand you, creates situations that can take time to unravel. The mind is a setting as cultivated or as wild as you make it. It is a natural setting where the animal instinct, unconscious, wild, sensual, respond-to-the-light being exists with one that is conscious, cultivated, conditioned -to-be polite, sharing, compassionate. This mind is often the one in charge. The mind is a setting that’s split down the middle between light and dark, night and day. It is an open cavern with a skylight, a garden with marble steps and grottos and ponds where frogs jump and lilies float. And there is the dark side, too, the night side setting of the mind, the place from which original thought originates. It’s something to ponder: why we spent more time in one place of the mind than another. The mind as a place makes it real and inviting, a haven, a safe journey. A portable vacation…When others are packing for Hawaii, filling suitcases with sunscreen and sunglasses and shorts and you can’t go, there is always the mind, someplace new to traipse around in: a safe place, but an imaginary journey, too… Try it sometime…it’ll be our secret.